Saturday, April 3, 2010

First week of class

Designing... a way to make a stand, a way to change the boring common view of others and add a personal touch of class. Designing is a way to amaze a way to intoxicate the mental senses. This week I learned something new, I learned how to fix pictures to make them look as amazing as possible. I have been playing with photoshop and have found many new tools that help bring my work up to a better level.I have found that you can put effects over effects such as light brightness and saturation on pictures and give it a new or old feel. I an still learning new thing from this program but what I have managed to understand has made me very enthusiastic to learn more.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Week 4 of Delivery Systems Two

Week 4 of Delivery systems two, this week I felt the time crunch but I managed to understand things I hadn’t quiet grasped. I understood finally the concept of a spry and could actually use it. My focus this week was to finish my self-promotional site, I was very happy with the outcome. At the beginning of this class I felt that my pages were to plane and not to appealing but with my last site I finally felt I reached the right balance of work. I ended up actually liking web after it was explained and I don’t feel as lost.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Week 3 of Delivery Systems Two

This week I am working on a web page for Digital Photography. What I discovered is that there is more to Digital Photography than pointing a camera and snapping a shot. One must consider the object being captured in the image is it in good light? Lighting is very important if dealing with the sun one must not take a picture facing the sun directly. This would cause the subject to be dark or have shadows where there should not be any. Using the rule of thirds can make an image stronger and if combined with leading lines the image becomes even more appealing. For better pictures don’t stay stuck to the ground move your point of view capture your image from above or below don’t limit yourself to left or right.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Week Two of Delivery Systems Two

What I learned in Week two was how to use templates. Templates can go both ways, they can help you with a site or they can really mess up your site. You have to know how to set up a template correctly. You also have to know when to use a template, you can use a template if every page will look the same and the only difference is something minor such as text. If you try to use a template and all the pages are different you might want to reconsider your layout as well as the use of the template it self.

If every page is different it causes confusion and people might not understand that it is the same web site. It is not recommended to have every page different. Keeping the pages consistent even if not all the pages are the same can help your site look better. An example would be a logo. If the company logo is on every page even if the pages aren’t completely the same it will help tie in the over all theme.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Week One of Delivery Systems Two

Keeping it simple… when being challenged to design for someone else there are some things you have to keep in mind especially for a web site. Some things to factor in are the importance of having the ideal balance. A balance between fun and informative will give you a better result. If a web site is all graphics it fails its purpose.

The purpose of a web site, to me as a student is to tie in the informative and portray it in a graphically efficient way. Web pages serve many different roles. Some inform, others sell products, some are just to pass the time, and others connect people all over the world. To be a good designer you have to know what type of web site you are trying to create and also what the client wants.

Friday, January 29, 2010

week 4

In week 4 of class we finished our projects and got to present. The presentation met there purpose of informing me but it also got me thinking how can one present a topic that most people don't know about and make it interesting. what makes a presentation memorable in a good way?
I Understood more information when the presentation was interactive. If i pay more attention to a presentation that is informative but upbeat than to a list of facts being read word for word off note cards how many other people might learn if a presentation is Kept professional but also have a good amount of energy.

What i learned this week was what copy right is. How it is able to protect others and why it is so important to ask for permission when using someone product. I also learned that it is best to keep the disabilities of other people in mind when it comes to creating something because you loss a lot of potential business if you don't. If you create a web site make sure it is user friendly and try your best to make it easy to find if you don't optimize your page to be search engine friendly people might not see your page.

week 3

In week 3 I started my web page on social media. It wasn't as bad as i thought it would be social media helps when promoting a product or oneself. It cost nothing but time and can really help when it comes to being recognized by others. I feel that my web pages are very simple and when it comes to adding animation i haven't been able to grab the concept to well. Simple can be good but when it comes to modern society everything needs to be flashy and fun i don't want my web pages to be overly flashy but i would like them to be a bit more interesting holding a balance between flashy and informative.

If you hold a balance between them both you are a good designer if you over flash your page everyone might not be able to see it and if it is to simple others might not be interested.

Friday, January 22, 2010

The second week.

In the second week I was able to understand HTML better. I was unable to understand how some tags worked but now with the help of others I understand. The repetition of how to obtain a certain outcome helps me understand the material better.

Friday, January 15, 2010

What I learned in week one.

I didn't expect to understand much of what I was told during the first days of class, but I managed. The HTML code isn't as horrible as I thought. Once you understand the code it becomes more manageable things that gave me trouble were understanding how links worked and how to make images a certain size. By the end of the week itself I understood how to create a link and the many different ways to do so.

Understanding that in graphics you need to drag people in with what you create it needs to be appealing, simple and overall a representation of your talent and ability.